Seteth×Catherine Support Conversations
C Support
セテス: カトリーヌ、調子はどうだ?見たところ問題なさそうではあるが。
Seteth: How are you, Catherine? You look well enough.
カトリーヌ: ん? ああ、問題ないね。見てのとおり、ピンピンしてるよ。
Catherine: Hm? Oh yes, I'm fine. Never better.
セテス: そのようだな。貴女は慎重さに欠けるから、つい気になってしまうのだ。
Seteth: That is good. I cannot help but be concerned, given your tendency toward incautious behavior. While boldness can be a virtue, I do hope you will bear in mind that recklessness is not. A moment's negligence can lead to a mortal wound for even the most skilled fighter.
カトリーヌ: 心配性だな。アタシの戦いっぷりを見たら、怪我のほうから逃げていくさ。
Catherine: You worry too much. If they saw me in action, the wounds themselves would cower!
セテス: その豪胆な戦い方が不安だと言うのだ。実際、大怪我をしたことがあっただろう?
Seteth: That is precisely the attitude that worries me. Especially given your history. You have been gravely injured before, as you no doubt recall.
カトリーヌ: アタシが大怪我?そんなこと、あったか?
Catherine: Me, "gravely injured"? When did that happen?
セテス: 忘れたのか? あれは貴女がまだ士官学校の生徒だった頃だ。
Seteth: You mean you have forgotten? It was during your days as a student at the Officers Academy.
There was an excursion—a monster hunt. You charged ahead and left your fellow students behind.
You ended up alone and surrounded. You almost died. Do you truly not remember?
カトリーヌ: そうだったか? 斬りに斬りまくって包囲を突破した記憶しかないぞ。
Catherine: Are you sure? All I remember is cutting down monsters left and right.
セテス: 命からがら突破したはいいが、瀕死の重傷を負っていたのだよ。
Seteth: That is true enough. But you nearly bled to death in the aftermath. The archbishop was so concerned for your life that she tended your wounds personally.
カトリーヌ: ああ! あれは、その時か!そうか、ようやく記憶が繋がったぞ!
Catherine: Oh! That was when that happened! Finally, it all fits together. Lady Rhea looking after me—now that I remember clearly. That was the first time she ever spoke to me. I was lying on the ground, caked in mud, and she gently picked me up, even stroked my hair... The emotions were so overpowering that they must have just cleared away my memory of the whole incident. So, it was during the monster hunt! Thanks, Seteth. That's been bothering me for ages.
セテス: いや、私が伝えたかったのはだな……
Seteth: That is not quite why I brought it up...
カトリーヌ: ……そういや、あれ以来、レア様に手当したもらったことはないんだよな。
Catherine: Come to think of it, Lady Rhea hasn't healed me since then.
カトリーヌ: また大怪我でもすれば、案外……なんてな。あっはっはっは。
Catherine: Maybe if I get wounded badly enough, I'll have that honor again!
セテス: まったく……どれだけ大司教が好きなのだ。
Seteth: I know you have a fondness for the archbishop, but do try to control yourself.
カトリーヌ: 必ずレア様を見つけ出し、また……。
Catherine: We've got to find Lady Rhea, and then maybe someday she'll honor me like that again...
B Support
カトリーヌ: 前から聞いてみたかったんだが、セテスはレア様とどういう関係なんだ?
Catherine: Hey Seteth, I've been meaning to ask you. What is your relationship with Lady Rhea?
セテス: ……唐突な質問だな。
Seteth: That is certainly an abrupt question.
カトリーヌ: いや、さ。アンタは教団の中で誰よりもレア様に近い位置にいるだろ。
Catherine: You're much closer to her than anyone else in the entire church. Certainly you're a good, upstanding person, but I can't help but feel there's something more to it.
セテス: 大司教を補佐するのが私の仕事だが、個人的には同志のような気持ちでいる。
Seteth: Supporting the archbishop is my sole professional interest. Personally, I consider her to be something akin to a companion.
カトリーヌ: 同志?
Catherine: A companion?
セテス: ああ。志を同じくして共に歩む関係だ。私と大司教の関係を表すには一番合う。
Seteth: Yes. As in a traveling companion. Friends who walk the same path, toward the same destination.
カトリーヌ: ふーん、同志ねえ。同志。なるほど、言われてみればしっくりくる。
Catherine: Hmm, companion, huh? A companion. I guess that does sound about right, now that you say it. Though, I'll confess to being quite jealous! Not many people can call themselves companions of Lady Rhea.
セテス: 大司教が私をどう思っているかはわからないがな。
Seteth: I do not know how she feels about it.
カトリーヌ: おいおい、そこは同じ思いを抱いてると信じるとこだろ。
Catherine: Oh, come on. You must trust that she feels the same about you.
セテス: その必要はない。どう思われていようと、私がやるべきことは変わらないのだから。
Seteth: There is no need for that sort of trust. My duties are the same regardless of her perspective. I consider you to be a companion also.
カトリーヌ: そいつは、レア様のために戦う同志、ってことか?
Catherine: A companion in fighting for the archbishop?
セテス: ああ、その点において、私たちの志は同じはずだ。違うか?
Seteth: Certainly. Our goals are firmly aligned when it comes to that, are they not?
カトリーヌ: いいや、違わないね。そういう意味じゃ、確かにアタシとアンタは同志だろうな。
Catherine: You're right, they are. I suppose you and I could be considered companions in that sense.
セテス: はは。片思いじゃなくて安心したよ。
Seteth: I am pleased to hear my sentiment reciprocated. I rely on you a great deal, after all. More than most.
カトリーヌ: おいおい、急になんだよ。おだてたって何も出ないからな。
Catherine: Whoa there, what's all this now? Flattery won't win you any prizes with me, Seteth.
セテス: いいや、本心さ。だから、貴女には無茶な戦いを控えてほしいとも思っている。
Seteth: I do not flatter. I merely want you to understand why it matters to me that you be more cautious in battle. As your companion, it is my wish for you to be safe.
カトリーヌ: ん? 結局、いつもの小言か。まあ、うん、心掛けるよ。
Catherine: Oh good, we're back in familiar territory—with you admonishing me. Don't worry, I'll be careful.
I'll always try to live up to your expectations. So don't expect too much, or you'll wear me out!
A Support
カトリーヌ: おらああああッ!どきやがれ、てめえらああッ!
Catherine: Hiiiiiiyah! Take that, you goons! And that!
セテス: あれは……カトリーヌ!あいつ、また無茶な戦い方をして……!
Seteth: Ugh, no. Catherine's at it again. She has charged too far forward. I'd better join her before she—hyah!
セテス: くっ……。カトリーヌ、無事か……?
Seteth: Urgh... Are you all right?
カトリーヌ: それはこっちの台詞だよ!あんな無茶な戦い方しやがって!
Catherine: That's what I was going to ask you. How could you be so reckless?! All those times you scolded me, and now you get yourself all beaten up. To think, nearly getting yourself killed in a minor skirmish like this one!
セテス: 返す言葉もないが……私も何とか無事だ。心配をかけてすまない。
Seteth: Quite right. Thankfully, I am not badly hurt. My apologies. I didn't mean to worry you.
カトリーヌ: ……で、いったい今日はどうしたんだよ。
Catherine: What's gotten into you?
セテス: どう、とは?
Seteth: How do you mean?
カトリーヌ: あそこは、アタシの持ち場だったろ。何でアンタがいたんだ?
Catherine: Don't play dumb. I was supposed to patrol this area, not you. What are you even doing here?
セテス: たまたま、通りかかったのだ。
Seteth: Just happened to be passing through?
カトリーヌ: ハッ、街で偶然ばったりってな話じゃない。戦場で、たまたま通りかかるはずないだろ。
Catherine: Seteth, this isn't like you bumped into me on a stroll around town. Nobody passes through a battlefield!
セテス: ……貴女を守るためだ。
Seteth: All right. I wanted to protect you.
カトリーヌ: はあ!?アタシを守る!?
Catherine: What?
セテス: 今日の戦い、貴女はかなり突出していた。あのままでは命の危険すらあった。
Seteth: You'd pressed much too far ahead. I feared your life might be in danger. Once that thought occurred to me, I could not stand idly by. I had to shield you from harm.
カトリーヌ: それで怪我したのかよ。まったく、いや、何と言うべきか……
Catherine: And you were injured in the process. I don't know what to say... Seteth. I didn't realize you worried so much about my safety. I apologize...and I'm grateful. I guess we really are companions.
セテス: いや、それは違う。
Seteth: I did not do this merely to assist an ally. I did it for you. I don't want to lose you.
カトリーヌ: な……!
Catherine: I... I...
セテス: カトリーヌ。私は貴女を守るためなら小言も言うし、無茶もしてしまう。
Seteth: And if I am willing to risk my life to protect you, just think how much scolding I am capable of. So you had best take better care of yourself.
カトリーヌ: ああ……アンタの気持ちはよくわかった。そう言われたら、顧みるしかないじゃんか。
Catherine: All right. You've made your feelings clear. When you say it like that, I can't refuse. I'm sorry for making you worry all the time. I'll be more careful. I promise.
セテス: そうしてくれ。貴女自身のためにもな。
Seteth: Please do. For my sake and yours.